Clicking the "Find" button will bring up the message box. Enter your search string and hit <return>. Hit <return> to go to the next match (even though the message box is now hidden). You can also use command-m to toggle the message box. Some hints on search strings:
find "meta" ΓÇö searches all fields for words beginning with "meta"
find "meta" in field 1 ΓÇö searches field 1 for words beginning with "meta"
find word "meta" ΓÇö searches all fields for exact word match
find char "meta" ΓÇö searches all fields for "meta" occurring anywhere in word
If you want to find all cards containing two strings ΓÇö say, "logic" and
"program" ΓÇö enter the following in the msg. box: find "logic program".
Note: you cannot do 'or' searches from the msg. box. Use sorting by keyword.